Thursday, November 22, 2018

Kt Kingtronics Still Finding the Solution to Improve Your Work Efficiency ?

Do you use a paper appointment book, no matter for work or personal daily life ?
Are you ready for a new one for 2019 ? I do !!

In the age of smart phones and digital calendars, there are some people still like to continue using a paper planner to schedule the appointments, including me. ^^
If you have both a digital and a paper planner for work, I believe it would be great and help you keep your schedule organized.

Here are some benefits for your work for using paper appointment book fyi.

1. The act of writing by hand is a memory aid. When I pick up a pen and write down events in my schedule I am much more likely to remember these events without looking at any calendar – whether it’s paper or digital !

2. You can use your beloved pens to write in your planner.

3. It slows you down and helps you to focus. There are no notifications, videos, ads, texts, etc to get in the way of your thoughts as you put your pen to paper. Distractions can cause me to schedule things poorly but a paper organizer eliminates digital “clutter” as plan out your weeks.

4. A paper planner can also become a memory book. Usually people seldom look back through digital records to reminisce, but a paper diary or record of your past events has a much more personal feeling to it.

5. It encourages creativity and is fun to personalize. Emotions can also be expressed with the fonts and style of handing writing that you use.

6. Handwriting is also good exercise for the brain and we all need more of that, right?

7. Writing in a planner or diary is an opportunity to help keep your penmanship in tip-top shape.

8. Maybe it’s just me – I really prefer the “week at a glance” or “month at a glance” view in a paper planner over a digital planner, especially for the non-work related events in my personal life.

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